We speak several languages:
- native Polish (male/female),
- native German (male), German with light accent (female),
- neutral English with light accent (male/female),
- English with eastern European (Polish, Russian, etc.) or German accent (male/female)

Our tech setup:
- Rode NT1-A microphone,
- Steinberg UR22 interface,
- Audacity with Izotope Nectar 3 plugin suite,
- a soundproof recording booth for studio quality results
…and, some more details:
- we deliver audio in any format via WeTransfer or similar,
- our turnaround for short projects is usually under 24h,
- we deliver either raw, dry audio or processed “ready to use” audio,
- we can synchronize the recordings to video or an original recording,
- you can connect to our home studio using SourceConnect or SessionLink for live sessions,
- you can also connect through Skype, Zoom, or even a phone patch

Cooperations with other talents:
- other native Polish talents,
- other native German talents,
- Austrian talents, who speak German with the lovely local dialect,
- children / teens of all above languages
Of course, all cooperation projects might have longer turnarounds
Translations (sort of…)
We can also translate, but usually do it only for short scripts, as we don’t specialize in translations.
Nonetheless, here are the possible combinations:
- from English / German into Polish,
- from English / Polish into German